Which group of students is these European projects aimed at?
The project is aimed at groups participating in both training courses for both VET and High training courses.
How do you select which professional branches are going to participate in the project?
It depends on the tasks and objectives that the project sets out to ensure that the students put into practice the skills acquired during the training cycles.
Who develops the project?
The development of the project is done between the centers involved in the project, whereas the students are responsible for implementing the project activities with help from the participating teachers.
How were the founded centers involved in the project?
The mobility coordinator of Marianao organization wrote a description of the objectives, participants and planned final results of the project and shared them on the eTwinning platform, which has a section for searching centers that want to joint educational projects.
How long can it take to plan a project like this?
The projects are considered the year before their achievement because it must be proposed to the likely foreign centers to participate in the projects and this must be done with a lot of time because it is not easy to find collaborators.
How many Catalan centers are currently developing a KA121?
Anyone who wants to know which centers develop Erasmus projects can find it in this link.
Who subsidizes these projects?
These projects are subsidized by the European Community and managed by national agencies, in our case, the Spanish National Agency SEPIE. This agency manages the European funds for educational projects and it is therefore responsible for evaluating and approving the projects for its respective grant.
What does the Marianao center expects from participating in such a project, why has it decided to participate?
The Marianao Center expects that the students and the center itself will benefit from running this project:
  • The Marianao focus on the students as the educational project shows and with this project students get a professional, cultural and personal experience they otherwise would not have been able to receive, along with improving their English skills.
  • As a center we like to pave the way for projects of excellence by developing projects like this, in which we use the European eTwinning platform for education and work together with other centers around Europe to improve the skills of our students and also of our teachers.